Sunday, April 22, 2018

Free Public Transit: And Why We Don't Pay to Ride Elevators

Black Rose Books : "In an age of increasing inequalities and ecological crisis, movements for free public transit are proposing a profound rethinking of urban transport as a fundamental human right and public good. Research shows that, if the bus were free, people would ride it as much as 50% more in the first year, dramatically reducing car use, traffic, and pollution, while redistributing wealth and increasing social inclusion for poor and working people. But free public transport alone is not enough; it must also be combined with much better service and reserve bus lanes to be effective.

In its twelve chapters, this book explores the winning strategies and pitfalls of case studies ranging across the United States, Montreal, Toronto, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Sweden, Brazil, Poland, China, and Mexico. As much a manifesto as a guide, this explosive book, the first ever on the topic in English, is written for those who want to truly revolutionise their city and move it forward."